"Blackjack" Bruce

Since I've been running for Lt. Governor, I've met so many great Louisianians; hard-working, passionate Cajuns who love this state as much as me! One of unique people I met early on was an old Army Veteran from Bogalusa, La. He gave me the nickname "Blackjack" and this is that story. I was speaking at a Democrat sponsored event; I was a guest speaker in spite of my being an Independent because they had heard about my campaign and how voters & audiences love me! To their credit Democrats invite me to their events; Republicans treat me like Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer...they don't want me at their events because I'm too dominate as a public speaker. I crush it.

So in Bogalusa, I'm speaking to American Legionaries and Democrats; halfway thru my speech I said my election number, twenty-one; suddenly, this guy in the back of the room stands-up and says, "21? That's Blackjack!" The room erupted in laughter; it was pretty funny. I continued on with my speech as the laughter died and when I got off stage, I walked to the back of the house where I was greeted by that old Vet. He hugged me and said, " You're the right man for the job son and I'm giving you the nickname 'Blackjack'!" How could I refuse that?! He was so passionate about it that he yelled it during my speech. That's how I got my nickname and I love that people are as excited about my campaign and the possibilities I bring to the Lt. Governor's Office. I have the face, the voice, the passion, and the personality to be our state's spokesman. Unlike the Incumbent who just plays the part, I am the part. Blackjack